Secret Google Tactics

Secret Google Tactics


Ebook Details
: Secret Google Tactics: The Secret Google Tactics That You Can Use to Siphon Money From Both Adwords And Adsense!
Author: Dylan Loh
File Size: 195kb Unzipped.
Format: Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
Number of Pages: 35
Subject: Google AdWords and Google AdSense.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: Getting Paid
Chapter 3: Keyword Selection
Chapter 4: Writing Your Adsense Sites
Chapter 5: Adsense Arbitrage
Price: $9.97 

“I’m going to let you in on a little known secret combining two of the web’s most powerful money making systems.”

I couldn’t resist this ebook’s promise of telling me a new way to make gobs of money using AdSense and AdWords, so I plunked down my $9.97. (The price has now increased.) The highly effective sell-page convinced me to buy, which in itself is proof that the page is well-written. Too bad the actual ebook isn’t.

Ebooks filled with typos always turn me off; it tells me the author didn’t take the time to review his own work. And when the sell-page is far better written than the actual ebook, it makes me suspect the author was more interested in separating you from your money than creating an excellent product.

Although Secret Google Tactics contains relatively few typos, it is at times so poorly worded as to make it nearly incoherent. I had to read some paragraphs several times in order to understand what the author was attempting to say. The main problem, however, is a jumbled mix of topics. For instance, he spends a handful of paragraphs explaining what AdWords is, followed by a paragraph beginning with the statement, “Now since we talked about AdWords, we will tell you about AdSense.” This is followed by three general statements about Google, followed by several paragraphs explaining more about AdWords, not AdSense. I believed the author when he said he would now explain AdSense, so when I instead found myself reading more about AdWords, my first thought was that the author himself was confusing the two.

The ebook contains the usual amount of hype and fluff, such as statements like, “That’s a great question and I am going to answer it,” and the author is inconsistent with pronouns, switching between “we” “I” and “you” in the same paragraph, but these are minor issues compared to the overall unreadability.

I was already familiar with AdWords and AdSense prior to buying this ebook, and have read several other internet marketing ebooks, so none of the information imparted by the author was anything new or secret. If I hadn’t known anything about these subjects before, this ebook could have provided a nice overview if it hadn’t been for its poor writing.

Bottom line: the author promises a lot and delivers little. He’s from Singapore, therefore English is not his first language, which would explain the jumbled sentences. If he revises it to make it more understandable, the report may be worth paying under $10 for.

Available for purchase at

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